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health care

PHI Data Breach Defense Program for U.S. Hospitals

For hospitals that need to improve patient information (PHI) data breach defense NOW, this is a fast, pragmatic, no-cost program for hospitals that often have overloaded and overwhelmed IT organizations.

The U.S. hospital sector experiences, on average, 1-2 data breaches per day. Since these data breaches can take months to detect, that means that your hospital could have PHI breach activity going on right now! Data breaches can impact both patient information but also executive accountability.

Accordingly, hospital executives need to prioritize and improve their data breach defense to avoid devastating impacts on patient care, business operations, reputation, and more.

Hospitals can take advantage of a data breach defense program, facilitated by Celerium. Our patented solution offers hospitals an easy-to-implement and easy-to-run solution that can uncover early warning signs of PHI data breaches. By participating in Celerium's no-cost program, hospitals can gain an additional layer of defense against data breaches.

Our Program

Explore our detailed executive and technical overview, along with frequently asked questions, here.

Participation in the no-cost program can begin as early as October 2024. Participating organizations will be asked to complete a technical survey to determine eligibility. Once eligibility is confirmed, hospitals will complete an onboarding session to get the solution running (usually around 30 minutes). Please note that the no-cost program is limited to configuration on one (1) firewall and is predicated on 1,000 EPS (events per second).  

  • PHI Data Breach Defense for Individual Hospitals: Leverage network threat detection capabilities as well as PHI data breach activity detection for a given hospital.


Key Benefits 

  • Expertise from DoD Experience: Celerium has worked with the U.S. Department of Defense over the past 5 years to provide a solution to help the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) leverage cyber threat detection and blocking.
  • Rapid and Easy Deployment: Implementation is quick and efficient, minimizing disruption to your operations.
  • Proactive and Reactive Defense: Benefit from current PHI data breach activity detection and early warning capabilities, along with network threat detection and other automation capabilities.
  • Containment: Contain breach activity either manually or through automation.
  • Management Responsibility: Pursuing extra measures of PHI data breach defense via this program for audit committee purposes, defense against potential class action lawsuits, regulatory fines, or congressional testimonies. 

Solution Details 

  • Quick Implementation: Our solutions are designed to be implemented in 30 minutes or less given that IT staff are often overloaded and overwhelmed. No new hardware or software is installed. No EDR agents are needed on servers, including legacy servers.
  • Secure, SaaS solution runs on the AWS cloud.

How to Join

Complete the form on this page to let us know you’re interested in the program. We’ll review your information and follow up with next steps.